Your desperation makes you feel insane
Fever running high you will never be the same Don't you treat me bad Don't you make me sad Our love could be as deep as the ocean If you can't be true I got news for you Just remember I can be poison ~Bardot Ooooo this full moon is a bit of an emotional shiz show. Who is feeling this knot in the stomach? This anxiety in the heart? This anger on their tongue? Welcome to the Ashlesha full moon. Literally the power of this moon is to inflict poison and it is in the dangerous gandanta (the boiling point between water and fire) zone = we have a knot of karma arising. This all sounds very serious - and sure it is - but it's also a very potent opportunity to see the poison in your own life/mind. I'm going to write the next part in caps to accentuate my point of advice over the nxet 24 hours - PLEASE DO NOT OVERREACT AND WATCH WHAT YOU SAY. Poison can be both deadly and an antidote. It takes our intuitive wisdom to know the difference. This full moon can potentially damage a good thing if you're not careful but it can also rid you of negativity in your external and internal landscape. Previously I wrote about Venus being strong, and this still stands, but it is getting tricky for relationships - there is an element of amplification, illusion and anxiety that is present that needs to be mindfully curtailed and managed back down to realistic proportions. Things aren't what they seem and they're not as big as you think/fear. PLEASE DO NOT OVERREACT AND WATCH WHAT YOU SAY. Lastly I think it wise to lean on the sun that is causing the light of this moon from across this earth - there is many things to say about a Dhanishta sun but as it has the symbol of the drum it may be wise to use music or dance as a tool to overcome these intense emotional terrains. Sing it out, dance it out, listen to some intense music to feel your feels. And above all PLEASE DO NOT OVERREACT AND WATCH WHAT YOU SAY. Stay light, Mark :)
If I had another chance tonight
I'd try to tell you that the things we had were right ~Roger Sanchez A Punarvasu full moon is all about returning to something in a refreshed and new way. A job, a passion, a partner, a creative project, a hobby, a health/fitness routine yada yada yada. Anything in your life old or new that feels a little dry can now be enlivened and renewed. My encouragement to you over the next few days before Monday night is to shift your perspective - one of worry and loss to one of optimism and trust. Don't be surprised if it is even you who could be this summer shower upon the cracked earth of the past few weeks upon your own life (and the people in it) just by changing your energy/perception. As an example of shifting your perspective I'd like to quote Louise Hay when approaching a problem in your life - say this to yourself: "All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this experience (this so called problem in my life at the moment) only good will come and I am safe." At the moment Mars (our energy) and Jupiter (our wisdom) are still in retrograde so there is definitely a revision feeling happening at the moment. A lack of moving forward or feeling expansion/momentum. It is coming (in February) but there is still some inner work/resuscitation to do before this new year truly kicks off. Putting your energy and hope back onto something you love will give you the vision (and positivity) of what is to come this year. It's a full moon to shift any foreboding about how to move ahead and return to something that you value to lift your spirits. Stay light, Mark :) #astrology #vedicastrology #jyotish #horoscope #fullmoon #astrologerofinstagram I vow that it's goodbye to the old ways
Those stories were a good read They were dumb as well I could never be seen Falling down on my knees crawling Oh, no, no Talk about a sell, sell, sell Oh, let the heavens shudder, baby I belong to you Oh, they said you get what you deserve And all they said was true ~The Sundays Tomorrow morning on the eve of 2025 we start a new moon. How synchronous to leave this year behind on the dark moon and enter a new phase. Indeed a Purvashada moon is linked to lord Ganesha the remover of obstacles as we begin a new journey and the shakti of this moon is of invigoration. The main question to ask yourself over today and tomorrow is: What do I need to purify in my life to clear the way for what I want? Once cleared we are provided with all the energy needed toward an early victory. I wish you all a happy new moon, a happy 2025 and a victorious path ahead. Stay light, Mark :) Ok ok with the two big giants in our sky moving backward we are in for a full moon clean up. Jupiter wants you to change the way you expand and Saturn wants you to change the way you restrict. What ways have you been acting habitually for a long time that could do with a new polish? If you could heal a recurring unhealthy habit in your life that is resurfacing of late what would that entail?
As the sun enters the first degree of Libra and the moon enters the first degree of Aries we enter the eternal dance between me and you. The moon in Ashwini wants you to heal something within you, change your mindset that creates a new neural pathway forward. The Sun in Chitra also wants you to construct or architect a better way of relating with others. Build partnership dynamics that are different and potentially more beautiful than in the past. This really is a time of restructuring. It's not exactly a move ahead time before the full moon but more a quick phase to rebuild and perfect the outdated (and change course if needed). After the culmination of the full moon tomorrow night is when there could be a swift healing/rejuvenation and don't be surprised if you suddenly find yourself in a more exciting position than you did only mere days before. Stay light, Mark :) #astrology #vedicastrology #jyotish #fullmoon #astrologersofinstagram When it comes to eclipses there are always two. Like the karmic axis itself (that causes the eclipses) there is a north and a south. A head and a tail. A past and a future. And really without this axis we humans are boundless but unevolving along the souls mala. Fascinating still this axis isn't particularly in control of universal law (think Jupiter and Saturn) they are more a mysterious wild energy that either/or amplifies desire and/or unequivocally (and desirelessly) liberates.
When we have an eclipse we begin a portal of time. A portal of karmic opportunities. These opportunities are rarely dull. More often than not, not fun. Mostly weird, strange and sudden. Some times they can bring instant gratification of desire and for it only to be taken away like a magician pulling the table cloth from underneath the dinner. Often I find they bring a sting but this sting in our lives is one of those - that was heart wrenching at the time but I can look back at it and realise how that was for my higher good type things. So we have only a few days left of this portal or eclipse bubble - things are probably feeling odd. Wednesday evening and Thursday morning will be the most intense this week as the solar eclipse shadows our sun (soul). Anyone with Virgo or Pisces as key planets or ascendants are REALLY feeling this one. But for us all we cannot escape this energy. By Thursday we walk back out into the real world (or maya/illusion). So really this portal is showing us where illusion is in our lives at the moment. With the veils a little thinner we can see where we have attached or desired to what is false. Mercury is involved in this eclipse so it is VITAL you have your wits about you - logically use your discernment to analyse the situation rather than swallow the coulee. Right after this eclipse finishes Jupiter goes retrograde signalling there is a need to withdraw and change your belief system after what comes to light over the next few days. Use this eclipse wisely - pay attention to your inner world and anything that stands in the way of truth - this needs to go. Stay light. Mark :) Quick one from me on the day of days: Today we eclipse! The moon is exactly full at 12:34pm AEST. During this partial lunar eclipse we can lean on the Vedas for support. The moon in Purva Bhadrapada grants the shakti to activate the fire of spirituality within you (and others). Rudra (the fierce side to Shiva - think lightning, storms and chaos) has much to say today about the energy in and around us during this celestial event. This is a great time for spiritual sadhana (practice) - whether that be meditation, chanting, pranayam (breathwork), yoga etc. It is said when we chant over the time of the eclipse the shakti is amplified 1000 times. So if you are losing your head a little simple remedy today is 'Om Namah Shivaya' to create clarity, peace and detachment. In fact one of the symbolisms here is a onefooted deity which encourages balancing to create harmony in the mind/spirit - ie tree pose/half moon pose/eagle pose etc in yoga so standing on one leg can help you today.
I realise I was perhaps a little keyboard heavy with my last post propagating more fear than is needed (what is this channel 7/9/10 news?) - this can be a really transformative and illuminating time for us (and tremendously quickly) if we keep our wits about us. Take some deep breaths, balance and enjoy the energy. When we harness the power of the universe we can make magic. Comment below if you need any guidance or tips and I wish you a safe journey through this. Stay light, Mark :) Tonight,
I'm motivated by the way you move Got me fixated on everything you do Ain't no bussin' to the music without you I could be Van Gogh, shawty, if you'd be my muse Don't go dressin' up for anyone but me You got poet dreams in every word you speakin' I could go skyrocket if you light the fuse I could be Van Gogh ~METTE As we enter the darkness of the new moon cycle, the new moon before the upcoming eclipse cycle on the 18th, we step under the marriage trellis of Purva Phalguni. This moon governed by our planet of love Venus has a lot to impart in the sky, and on us, at the moment. Venus, the teacher to the material world, is in Virgo, a sign of debilitation, and is very close to Ketu (the past karmic axis). There is critical karma at work in all we do in relationships presently. Now, I have read countless articles about endings in relationships over the next month - but I would like to counter some of this drama and add my piece. I see it more like this is a liberating time in our relationships. Think about your past patterns in relating. Particularly analyse where you repeat similar mistakes, where you suffer, where you don't act in virtue (or allow others to) and now we enter a phase to heal and perfect this. Virgo after all is seeking perfection. Now you can understand why Venus isn't happy all the time in this sign due to the beautifully imperfect nature of love and relating - it's inherently messy - but for now we need to follow the sky and see the healing involved here. Sure there may be detachments needed if there is denial or an uncovering of illusion to truth, but it could also more likely be an ending to an old trauma or inner deception with a cathartic release. This is a very creative new moon seeking union and procreation in our lives. With this there is a balancing of energies and a commitment to it. At worst this could be a good new moon just to relax and rest at best a time to create an artistic masterpiece or express your love and feel all the romantic feels. The marriage of Shiva and Parvati under the celestial trellis begins under the month of this moon and favours union of all kinds. So even though there is some letting go and detachments upcoming (especially with the next full moon and new moon) it may not be as doom and gloom as being shouted about town. There is most certainly some karmic blasts coming (more on that to follow soon) but this new moon please enjoy yourself. Stay light, Mark :) #astrology #vedicastrology #newmoon #astrologersofinstagram #venus Every lunar mansion or section of the sky has a shakti. Shakti is the power, force or consciousness of something. In this case we are talking about a Dhanishta full moon tonight with the shakti to bring fame. In many ways this is a very celebrity part of the sky. But to be a celebrity it takes a team to promote, support and monetize. Basically to get the word out about you - to make people see you and like you. Many people are talented but without the right publicity not a lot usually happens. It's who you know, how you network and how you bring the right resources together for success.
That being said these days are a little fraught for celebrities. Now that everyone can be an at home celebrity armed with an ever ready opinionative keyboard at their fingertips the royal Hollywood elite seem to have lost their shine and are up for constant criticism. In fact aren't we all. You only have to read the comment section of any post to see the sometimes humourous, sometimes cruel reflections of society. Yet at the same time we are now more instantly accountable and aren't controlled completely in the marketing rhetoric of the past. How is your image at the moment? The full moon being in the same rashi (sign) as a retrograde Saturn is saying you may be reflecting on what you are putting out there. Your public persona, your brand, your image. It may be time to change it or better it. With Saturn it usually means being more honest and integrous. If it's in alignment this may be a successful time for you. The Sun opposite the moon (joined by a retrograded Mercury) in Magha says the key to empowerment is through reclaiming something from the past, family or ancestors. A going back to your roots rather than cutting them off sort of vibe. Remembering where you came from and honouring that is the key to your success right now. Stay light, Mark :) #astrology #vedicastrology #jyotish #astrologersofinstagram #fullmoon Sunday eve we enter the void of the new moon. An Ashlesha moon is a no bs one. You may feel the potency already and instead of the wind down/introversion of other new moons this one feels a little feisty. I'd like to introduce you to my friend the snake. And before you think I'm being inappropriate (there are other platforms for that for you to become the only fan of) and in some ways this isn't the wrong setup to where I'm going. A snake is a mysterious, misunderstood, alluring, hypnotic and potentially very dangerous creature. The way she shines in the right light, the way he is compared to phallus. In this animal we see the good, the bad and the shadow.
The nagas in the vedic tradition are half human half serpent and live under the earth or water. They represent the riches of the subconscious and the eternity of the universe. And of course we cannot mention snakes without referencing the kundalini, the shakti that lies at our root chakra. There is a multitude of power to uncover here this new moon. But let's get to the warning arising. Ashlesha is bringing the tongue of the snake (with its venom) to us all this weekend. This allows us to paralyze our enemies (outer or inner) of an agitating aspect in your life/mind atm. There is a destructive element to this snake energy so CAUTION is advised. Especially with what you say - particularly to others - though we can be even more so destructive with our inner critic too. So my main word of counsel here is to bite your tongue if you're feeling particularly fired up. Let it go through your body - cardio, dancing, sex etc - then revisit it after the weekend and see if you still need to express. Of course if you are in a negative situation this is all the jet fuel you need to destroy whatever is in your way. This is the new moon before our good friend Mercury turns retrograde on August 5th. Those with Gemini and Virgo ascendants or moon - it's time to get freaky again. This retrograde is a turning point for us all regardless of ascendant and signals a change of gear for the second half of the year. Get your affairs in order and I'll meet you on the roller coaster. Stay light, Mark :) #astrology #vedicastrology #jyotish #newmoon #astrologersofinstagram I'm about to give you all of my money
And all I'm askin' in return, honey Is to give me my profits When you get home ~Aretha Franklin I want you to stay 'Til I'm in the grave 'Til I rot away, dead and buried 'Til I'm in the casket you carry If you go, I'm going too 'Cause it was always you, alright And if I'm turning blue, please don't save me Nothing left to lose without my baby ~ Billie Eilish Uttarashada is a tricky full moon. It sounds great saying it means 'later victory' or 'long-lasting success' but really this comes after much hard work, sweat and tears. Patience, perseverance and persistence. But even more so residing in Capricorn this full moon this weekend asks you to get real especially about your work in the world. Where are you losing in life right now? Where can you win? What will bring you long-term happiness and where are you coasting or hitting your head against a brick wall time and time again. Some dreams aren't practical - maybe you don't have the talent/experience, or maybe you don't have the ambition/drive in that field or the confidence...or maybe it's just the wrong fit at this time. For now put down avoidant hope and without negativity evaluate honestly. Now a key word around this moon is 'unchallengeable'. It being very close to Pluto shakes us to our core. There will be an end, a death of you to make way for the birth of a better version of you. This really is that dangerous walk into the unknown and never turning back scenario. But unless you walk through the fire you will never know and sink back into the stagnant waters of comfort and mediocrity. Uttarashada is the proverbial late bloomers of the zodiac but there are no peaks higher and no peaks more remembered. Are you ready? Stay light, Mark :) #astrology #vedicastrology #jyotish #astrologersofinstagram #fullmoon |
@astrologywithmarkFortnightly lunar forecasts from my instagram Archives
January 2025