Another full moon, another opportunity to clarify and complete a stage in the ever evolving journey ahead. And we are on a journey. Whether we can admit this or not: Together. 10pm AEST Sunday night we are called to join the rhythm of the lunar cycle and be seen. To be seen is to allow your light to reflect in another/outwardly. Through this process of reflection you can see yourself from another perspective and integrate even more of your shadow.
The moon being in Aquarius joined by Jupiter expands this birds eye view allowing a more objective and uniquely expansive outlook. Jupiter here retrograde is making us turn inward first to find the treasure in this full moon. In essence we are all travelling backward at the moment to gain more wisdom or truth. So in more basic terms: as you travel more introspectively what beliefs are arising within that are outdated? Perhaps you are clinging to old likes/dislikes, ways of thinking, even just habitual ways of communicating that are regressive or not even embedded in who you are at the present. Aquarius holds the hope of Utopia in its expression. Utopia is an egalitarian paradise where we can all exist to our highest capacity in perfect harmony. I mean good fudging luck Aquarius - yet in this unreachable goal we find an important striving to better oneself to higher integrity - to keep growing. Together. Mars and Mercury are together now opposite the moon creating heated communication, a sense of individualised opinion and entitlement. This can blur the internal truth the moon is seeking on Sunday. So my advice is think about what you are saying. When it's hot and angry, take a breath, take a step out and come back with this Aquarius coolness that is of most importance the next few days. Finally the moon being in Dhanistha is called the star of symphony. A symphony contains a vast amount of individual musical instruments coming together to produce an intricately extensive musical composition. We are all musicians with a song to sing. But when we sing together we are always grander than our parts. Stay light, Mark :) #astrology #astrologersofinstagram #vedicastrology #jyotish #aquarius #fullmoon #horoscope #zodiac #fullmoon #dhanistha #mercury #mars #yogasydney #sydneyyoga #bondiyoga #yogabondi
Oooo. Hmmm. When a new moon enters into Ashlesha with its ruler Mercury joining and Saturn opposite in Shravana in the sky one needs to take stock. Just beyond midnight on Sunday (technically Monday) we find ourselves entangled in the embrace of our inner desires. Any one else feeling a building in intensity? A fire or irritation from the shadows ignored ready to be unleashed or even strike at the drop of a dust mite? Ashlesha is a very potent moon with much to share (kundalini, depth of intelligence and sexuality to name just a few) but in the wrong hands (or the wrong time of the day) it can be disastrous. With the shakti of the snake to inflict poisonous venom there is the potential to explode emotionally and verbally inflicting pain - yet this could be avoided if the energy of this new moon is channelled appropriately.
I look to Saturn across the skies as an antidote. Saturn is strong at the moment in its own sign and has the patience to listen in Shravana. Shravana has the symbol of the ear and tells you with all this poison/segregation/separation/polarity around us in the world when we externalise or project upon an other or subject it is only a mirror of what we hate within. And this new moon conjures words with passion like lust, hate, intensity, obsession and pain. Now back to the ear - if one could only take a breath, LISTEN to what is arising, feeling the sensations in the body and mind - yes those intense and desperately uncomfortable feelings, thoughts and desires that you have - the ones you don't even want to admit to that you have that you despise in an other - if you can feel that potency that boils up and instead of lashing out or exploding/reacting you allow it to be there. You love it. You use it. Saturn is your guide this new moon to consciously unavoid and see. For it is this poison that is within us all is your way to heal and contain the power of the universe. Stay light, Mark :) #ashlesha #shravana #newmoon #astrology #vedicastrology #jyotish #mercury #horoscope #astrologersofinstagram #astrologyforecast #sydneyyoga #yogasydney |
@astrologywithmarkFortnightly lunar forecasts from my instagram Archives
January 2025