As I write this morning Saturn is closer to our earth. This phenomena called stationary makes the planet of time, reality and suffering appear still in our skies. This stillness intensifies the planet to us and therefore affects our lives often showing in both internal and external ways. The promising (put on your silver lining hats please) part to this cease of motion causing this depression and reality checking is that it is creating an incubation or safe space to once again look at what isn't working in our lives. With all the lockdowns, rules, quarantines and repressions to the everyday life we mere mortals have faced this year it's surprising that there is anything left to look at - but hello there it is!
Now the promise I hinted at is that Saturn is in its own sign Capricorn stationed in Uttarashada. Uttarashada has the shakti to long lasting victory. Today is a day to slowly and methodically move that mountain as Saturn starts steadily moving forward at 2:45pm AEST after a long reversal in the heavens above. This movement (like a tortoise slow and measured at first) will start to lift those chins to a spot on the horizon, herald in purpose (remember that?!) and shine the way to more aspirational living. The full moon in Uttara Bhadrapada has a strong connection with Saturn. After much buildup of tension (ie 2020) this moon can bring the release and cleansing we need to feel the rain pour from above onto our weary spirits. This rain provides relief and also rejuvenation after a lot of pressure from the year behind us. To think there is still 3 months ahead of us on what could be the longest year in recent memory just shows you the power of Saturn. Saturn rules time. Time has changed for us all as we have adapted to new structures, routines, habits. Whether we have embraced or denied has caused either a successful adaptation or more suffering. Saturn has hovered around Pluto and Jupiter this year. Those with Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces (most influenced by these 3 planets) in their chart have been deeply moved this year and more so been called upon to show the way forward. These signs are also the more mature or evolved (in no way better or cooler than the other constellations) along the mala of the zodiac so it's not surprising that their skills and wisdom are all in need with where we on earth are building towards. Scorpio begins investigating the deeper truths and secrets, Sagittarius to learning and teaching a higher purpose, Capricorn to achieving and directing that purpose, Aquarius to sharing that with the community and Pisces to transcend the self. So you can see the enormity of this year by this planetary relationship between these three celestial planets. But for tonight let's all take off the rocks on our shoulders, have a seat, take a breath and in the words of tsunami @ladygaga - Rain. On. Me. Stay light, Mark :) #vedicastrology #jyotish #astrology #horoscope #zodiac #fullmoon #saturn #jupiter #pluto #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces
So tired of broken hearts and losing at this game
Before I start this dance I take a chance in telling you I want more than just romance @madonna We are yet again at an intriguing precipice on the new moon at 9pm AEST tomorrow night. I know my previous full moon post was a little more scrunchie and a little less punchy promising a spring injection but we are yet to see the payout of the change of slow and gaseous Jupiter and then Saturn at the end of the month. As the karmic nodes dangle at the edge of changing signs I'm drawn particularly to Ketu (the south lunar node). Ketu is our past. Whether you look at the past in this life or ancestral past or past lives...something has to be surfaced that has been avoided or repressed or at least forgotten. In vedic tradition Ketu is a body without a head. Detached, mysterious, unconventional and its only objective: liberation. Now adding to this Ketu dangles between fire and water creating even more tension boiling this past up from the deepest of depths with nowhere to run. No way to avoid. What aren't you facing? What is holding you back? What is your deepest wound that keeps your heart in a holding pattern in this life? Now you have nowhere to look but at it. The Moon and the Sun in Uttara Phalguni shines a little more light on what's happening. With the shakti to bring prosperity through union there needs to be an inner marriage. Like a scale with two opposing sides the two ends need to slide harmoniously paced toward one another creating a balanced merging. It is only through this inner wedding that outer ones can start to present themselves. As so simply yet beautifully said above by the material girl herself there is a yearning for more commitment or a fusion of soul(s). This may well be felt romantically but it can also be dharma (purpose) related or most beautifully spiritual (moksha). Where do you feel a separation in this present moment? Like Ketu without a head there is a longing to be one again. Two opposites forever dancing, circling, longing for one another. Wherever this is for you in this life it takes internal love and commitment to bring halves back to whole. Like the sun and moon coming together every month on the new moon this unity begins a journey us humans have forever been in the dance of - the journey back to oneness. Stay light, Mark :) #vedicastrology #astrology #jyotish #sun #moon #ketu #jupiter #saturn #horoscope #love #yoga #spirituality #newmoon Her violet sky, will need to cry
And if it doesn't rain then everything will die She needs to heal, she needs to feel Something more than tender Come September Everything wrong gonna be alright Come September @natalie_imbruglia Spring calls at last here in the southern hemisphere and in the astrological sky we awaken into a lot of forward moving change and strength. I don't know about you but it has felt like we have been held back for so long this year, like an elastic band stretched so far that it has weathered and frayed, becoming ultimately weakened and almost unresistant. Yet there is some hope left in that old elastic (scrunchies are back in, no?) and this month is the month to start seeing some movement and power invigorated back into it - I'm talking about you - leave the elastic metaphor be :) In the past few months I have been yammering on about Jupiter and Saturn in retrograde. These two massive planets play out transpersonally in our lives. Meaning in a more connective and collective way than just one individual. Mid May saw these two planets move backward causing us to also go inward, retreat and halter even further than we had since earlier in the year. Jupiter being our higher wisdom begins to move forward from the 13th of this month allowing us to feel (and more importantly see) expansion, hope on the horizon and adventure once again. Saturn on the 29th turning direct allows us to begin our work again and feel like we are climbing vs stagnating. Now retrogrades can be a gift - take what you have learned, what you had to change due to having to adapt and use those skills to better the forward movement. In the sidereal (observable) sky many of the planets are in signs they feel at home in so there is much support above to see you through as long as you help it along and put it into action. The full moon tonight and tomorrow in Shatabhisha brings us to a healing crisis. Mirroring action needs to be taken as the planets start to strengthen and move forward - it is up to us to make all of our world(s) a better place. Stay light, Mark :) #astrology #vedicastrology #jyotish #fullmoon #jupiter #saturn #horoscope #shatabhisha #spring |
@astrologywithmarkFortnightly lunar forecasts from my instagram Archives
January 2025