As the sun and the moon sit on either side of the earth we enter a rather intriguing full moon. On one side it feels energised (particularly in a mental and practical way) yet on the other side it feels dreamy and otherworldly. As the veils thin in-between the dance of the physical world and the land of spirit we somehow hover together in the abyss. You'd think I had somewhere to go with this...but I do not. And yet that is on purpose. If we had a purpose right now. In which we do not. Make sense?
While the moon enters Pisces in the early hours we all have nowhere to go with this...other than the abyss itself. With the moon close to Neptune casting its alluring fog on the mind creating both deception and fusion we swing between truth and illusion. It is in this sweet spot balancing in between that provides the nectar for something enlightening and all encompassing. That's really the best way I can describe it. Let's dive further into the fathoms to explore this through vedic symbology. The moon in Uttara Bhadrapada swims us into the serpent (sometimes dragon) energies of the deep waters and the atmosphere above. In fact the shakti of this moon provides the rain to fall - from above to below. In essence it is providing the balance between the three worlds. In a mundane way (let's keep it simple - we've had enough) it heralds in stability. And ain't we needing some stability right now?! Butttt hey how does that correspond with all my alluringly vague descriptions above? Well I'm glad you asked: with the Sun and Mars opposite in Virgo providing practical solutions (especially in regards to health) the moon is providing a much needed counter of spiritual attunement and a 'seeing' if you will. There is a bigger picture if you dare to open that great big eye in the middle of your forehead, It whispers something...if you learn how to encode it. Stay light, Mark :) #ajna #thirdeye #vedicastrology #astrology #jyotish #fullmoon #pisces #virgo #zodiac #horoscope #sun #moon #mars
A change of pace. Or perhaps a break in our regular programming. A big astrological change is happening in our skies that is worthy of imparting. Tomorrow Jupiter is reversing back into vedic Capricorn for his final reunion with Saturn. The grand conjunction last year that had hippies everywhere rolling in patchouli and dancing like octupi on heat - you know - when we were heralding in the dawn of a new age in Aquarius in what felt like a decade ago - remember? I mean it's fair if you do not due to the fun we've been having. But yes last year was the ending and beginning of a 20 year cycle between the two largest planets in our solar system. This was big - yet hardly big enough to the scale of what has happened and on top of that it happened in Capricorn in the astronomical sky. So put that incense away and save those undulating bodyrolls for another day. We ain't out of the woods just yet. BUT there is a light at the end of this arduously long and tediously draining tunnel we have been dragging ourselves through. Is it even a drag anymore when you're just pointlessly rolling?
Some crucial dates (in AEST) to keep an eye on - October 7th Pluto moves forward again after 5 months of intensification. We have all been through an alchemical process of transformation, death and renewal. October 11th Saturn goes direct after a 6 month retrogradation period - this has been a tough one for the everyday person as Saturn has slowed us all down. Being in its own sign has made the planet of suffering and responsibility stronger for better or worse. Those out of integrity have been hit the hardest. Anyone with planets/ascendant in Capricorn will feel an almighty shift from this date. October 18th Jupiter too goes forward after a 4 month backward hike. It has almost felt like light was being squeezed out as this planet has returned to its sign of debilitation - yet the good news is Saturn is somewhat protecting us and it's the projected fear of the months ahead that is plaguing us rather than it actuality of any true doomed future. Those with Sagittarius or Pisces will be feeling this internally the most. Finally Mercury goes direct on October 19th after screwing with our plans and communication lines from September 27 (yup it hasn't Beetlejuiced us just yet) - Gemini and Virgo brace your whacky selves! You may remember (what day is it?) previously I posted about how Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto were the big game changes in Capricorn from 2020...well this is the start of relief from all this compounded energy. Capricorn has brought such seriousness and dryness into our lives and this long drawn out planetary retrogrades has only made it more depressing....well...that is shifting and September is where I invite you dare to see the light that is coming in...let's just help each other get through this next month, earthlings. Stay light, Mark :) #astrology #vedicastrology #siderealastrology #jyotish #jupitersaturnconjunction #pluto #capricorn #sagittarius #gemini #virgo #pisces #mercury #jupiter #saturn #ageofaquarius #beetlejuice The September new moon tonight/tomorrow rocks us into moments of rest, play and sweetness. A Purva Phalguni moon governed by Venus (which today enters sidereal Libra) is a fortuitous occasion indeed. The air is warm, the breeze is soft and the sun is pastel. After the year we've had, wherever in the world you are, a lullaby sings from somewhere deeply familiar within that needs to be caressed and kissed with joyful intentions. As spring is on the gentle wind we too in the southern hemisphere begin to blossom and sprout anew.
With Jupiter still in retrograde on the verge of departing sidereal Aquarius opposite this moon the spirit has a loving opportunity in its sights: a burst of hope and expansion in mind. Let's keep it simple this post. The moon sings to you to find the fun in your life. It's a moon to RELAX and shoot the breeze. To allow abundance to flow toward you just by being yourself (rather than striving for something better or out of this moment is the moment to sink back and love the present and the reflection of yourself exactly as it is IN IT). A little homework to leave you with to attract the sweet nectar of the moon in your field: Write 3 things you are grateful for in you life NOW. Bring these three things into your being, drink them in and allow your heart to beat out that beautiful energy into the cosmos. Tonight the moon kisses the stars. O beloved, be like that to me! - Rumi Stay light, Mark :) #newmoon #jyotish #vedicastrology #rumi #jupiter #libra #leo #venus #relax #astrology #astrologersofinstagram #horoscope |
@astrologywithmarkFortnightly lunar forecasts from my instagram Archives
January 2025