When the glorious beacon of light in our sky is blocked by the moon, be prepared for some...weird shit to happen. I was going to write poetically but hey, let's call a spade a spade. A solar eclipse drains our energy and warps the path to the soul. The sun representing the atma or consciousness that fuels us all is shadowed by the moon (mind) causing an otherworldly phenomenon for our human eyes. So literally expect your mind to be in many an illusion right now blocking your own access to the true source or light within. Weird dreams - check. Strange cravings - check. Deluded thoughts - check check check. Darkness ensues...be prepared again, Scooby Gang!
This new moon gets compounded by the fact that Mercury is also 1 degree away from it so our intellects are either getting overly involved in the madness ie over analysing to the tenth degree, or we cannot discern between fact and fiction. This new moon will take a little courage to fight our way out of what is truly an empowering new beginning ahead rather than just fighting ourselves into insanity and falling down old rabbit holes. And this Mrigashira moon is placing us all on a search for a new beginning indeed. In fact it's the search that grants us real fulfillment that will be of utmost importance. I can already hear all your minds whirring as I type. Question time: What do YOU want? If there wasn't the complexities of practicalities and responsibilities in your current life - what is your real longing here? If you can't even admit or honour your innate truth there is no way for you to begin this quest. I'm not saying all wishes are granted in the karmic life we all live but denial is no way for your heart to be free and for you to find true peace this new moon. As much as an eclipse causes our inner demons to rise to this surface, and this can feel completely uncomfortable, it is also a rare gift: When you can clearly see and loudly hear your ghosts is when they can finally be set free and move on. Stay light, Mark :) #solareclipse #newmoon #sun #moon #mrigashira #astrology #jyotish #karma #rahu #zodiac #taurus #vedicastrology #astrologyforecast #horoscope #sidereal #mercury #buffy
@astrologywithmarkFortnightly lunar forecasts from my instagram Archives
January 2025