Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while I was sleeping And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of silence ~ Simon and Garfunkel It is here in the eye of the new moon tonight that we find the propensity for true silence. All that has been ignored, avoided, filled with noise and chatter becomes still and obvious to hear. There is nowhere to hide to hear this song singing from within. And yet you have to tune in, to listen and you are meant to sing into this void. This song is of the soul and it is a treasure for you to unbury. The song of silence. There is a feeling of being hemmed in this new moon in Shravana. With the karmic axis holding all the planets in its spiritual hands we get the feeling of being controlled by something greater than our wills. With so many planets gripped by the sign of sidereal Capricorn there is a seriousness or a sense of gravely important work ahead. Compounded by the new moon being so close to Saturn this great oppression of the everyday people the titles fall, the ego breaks and we come to realise we all everyday people. And we all have great work to do to overcome the inner and outer control. This plays out collectively and inwardly. The outer world and the inner world. Jupiter and Venus with Mars on either side of the Sun and Moon give their support like a galactic hug. We are supported. There is support. Both Venus and Jupiter are the auspicious gurus or teachers granting both wisdom and abundance. Venus now moving forward means we can find comfort and pleasure again too. Just be careful not to fan the flames of Mars too over-aggressively to confront what is arising in your life...though Mars also says even with all this support there is the need to defend or resist as the soldier does. Being in Sagittarius the spiritual warrior defending its sovereignty is a key theme this new moon. This battle starts within...as it always does. Ultimately the shakti of this new moon is to hear this silence and flow with it. Even with all that is happening in the world, all this confusion, noise and hardship it is vital here to tune in within to the reverberating vibrations underneath to flow with that current. This current is the ultimate truth and will never lead you astray. This current with the strings of karma all being plucked and struck with such divine beauty (and timing) to a melody that plays a song of time immortal. You are that song. Stay light, Mark :) #astrology #vedicastrology #jyotish #newmoon #horoscope #astrologersofinstagram #saturn #capricorn #venus #mars #jupiter #sydneyyoga #yogasydney
As the Moon sets her eyes to cuddle up into the most nourishing stars in the sky on the opposite side of the world the Sun is surrounded with a different planetary story. The Sun so close to Pluto (planet of death and transformation) and in the same sign as Mercury (communication) and Saturn (lessons) gives us a very Capricorn feeling this full moon. The symbol for this Pushya full moon of the sacred lotus flower pushing through metres of muddy water to bloom above the surface is very relevant over the coming day or so. We are all trying so hard. Trying to hold it together. Showing the world we are OK. These are all Capricorn traits pushing ahead through insurmountable obstacles and sufferings to eventually come out on top. But when we have been doing it so long with changes to systems/structures/pollcies/rules (all ruled by Capricorn) we tend to burn out, harden, detach and become cold.
Depressed already? Ok so this is where our glorious moon comes in. When you reach this point what better way than to bathe in the lunar rays of Pushya. The nourisher of our spirit. Indeed this moon creates spiritual resources if we can tap into its energy. Meditation, mantra, prayer, devotional practices are all very boosted tonight (AEDT). The hitch here is you have to tap into. This won't happen by itself and if you choose not to do something to care for your spirit you will only fall into the opposite energy of the Capricorn Sun/Pluto/Mercury/Saturn. Now I'm not spitting on Capricorn - this sign can hold a depth of space like no other and lead by the best of examples but at this time the moon is calling for nourishment and spiritual upliftment. So use Capricorns skills of discipline and direction to lead you into divine love. Flamingos walk, and sway in peace Seeing this, it makes my troubles cease The sun is hiding, leaving a pink scar That stretches right across the sky That's all we've seen so far And all I do is look into your eyes For that special touch of paradise Just a touch, a touch of paradise Just a special touch of paradise ~ Mondo Rock/John Farnham Stay light, Mark :) New Year. New Moon. New You. Well not quite... I'm going to keep short and sweet for the first blog for this year: With retrograde Venus having a lot to say at the beginning of the year (and also ruling the year in numerology) we head inwardly into the heart of the past to start 2022. A Purva Ashada moon is fanning the flames of the heart but perhaps invigorating feelings that no longer exist or do not reside in the present reality. The symbol of a winnowing basket is key here to understanding this new beginning arising tomorrow. A winnowing basket is like a sieve - it's important to discern what is precious here and what is just dirt weighing you down. This is a process and may take some thought or arduous action.
Quite an aggressive moon promising to energise the mind and may even make one feel invincible - be careful at knowing the difference between protective strength and closing off to the world like an impenetrable fortress. For the goal here is love not survival. Yet love may be a battlefield for many of us right now. Venus herself being in Uttara Ashada and continuing to retrograde til the end of January we may not see clear results until then. But there will be a long-lasting victory ahead so stay the course and stay true to what you desire. With this new moon in vedic Sagittarius we have much to be hopeful about even if the new years blues got us off to a rocky start. Stay light, Mark :) #newmoon #newyear #astrology #vedicastrology #jyotish #astrologersofinstagram #horoscope #venus #sydneyyoga #yogasydney |
@astrologywithmarkFortnightly lunar forecasts from my instagram Archives
January 2025