When it comes to eclipses there are always two. Like the karmic axis itself (that causes the eclipses) there is a north and a south. A head and a tail. A past and a future. And really without this axis we humans are boundless but unevolving along the souls mala. Fascinating still this axis isn't particularly in control of universal law (think Jupiter and Saturn) they are more a mysterious wild energy that either/or amplifies desire and/or unequivocally (and desirelessly) liberates.
When we have an eclipse we begin a portal of time. A portal of karmic opportunities. These opportunities are rarely dull. More often than not, not fun. Mostly weird, strange and sudden. Some times they can bring instant gratification of desire and for it only to be taken away like a magician pulling the table cloth from underneath the dinner. Often I find they bring a sting but this sting in our lives is one of those - that was heart wrenching at the time but I can look back at it and realise how that was for my higher good type things. So we have only a few days left of this portal or eclipse bubble - things are probably feeling odd. Wednesday evening and Thursday morning will be the most intense this week as the solar eclipse shadows our sun (soul). Anyone with Virgo or Pisces as key planets or ascendants are REALLY feeling this one. But for us all we cannot escape this energy. By Thursday we walk back out into the real world (or maya/illusion). So really this portal is showing us where illusion is in our lives at the moment. With the veils a little thinner we can see where we have attached or desired to what is false. Mercury is involved in this eclipse so it is VITAL you have your wits about you - logically use your discernment to analyse the situation rather than swallow the coulee. Right after this eclipse finishes Jupiter goes retrograde signalling there is a need to withdraw and change your belief system after what comes to light over the next few days. Use this eclipse wisely - pay attention to your inner world and anything that stands in the way of truth - this needs to go. Stay light. Mark :)
Quick one from me on the day of days: Today we eclipse! The moon is exactly full at 12:34pm AEST. During this partial lunar eclipse we can lean on the Vedas for support. The moon in Purva Bhadrapada grants the shakti to activate the fire of spirituality within you (and others). Rudra (the fierce side to Shiva - think lightning, storms and chaos) has much to say today about the energy in and around us during this celestial event. This is a great time for spiritual sadhana (practice) - whether that be meditation, chanting, pranayam (breathwork), yoga etc. It is said when we chant over the time of the eclipse the shakti is amplified 1000 times. So if you are losing your head a little simple remedy today is 'Om Namah Shivaya' to create clarity, peace and detachment. In fact one of the symbolisms here is a onefooted deity which encourages balancing to create harmony in the mind/spirit - ie tree pose/half moon pose/eagle pose etc in yoga so standing on one leg can help you today.
I realise I was perhaps a little keyboard heavy with my last post propagating more fear than is needed (what is this channel 7/9/10 news?) - this can be a really transformative and illuminating time for us (and tremendously quickly) if we keep our wits about us. Take some deep breaths, balance and enjoy the energy. When we harness the power of the universe we can make magic. Comment below if you need any guidance or tips and I wish you a safe journey through this. Stay light, Mark :) Tonight,
I'm motivated by the way you move Got me fixated on everything you do Ain't no bussin' to the music without you I could be Van Gogh, shawty, if you'd be my muse Don't go dressin' up for anyone but me You got poet dreams in every word you speakin' I could go skyrocket if you light the fuse I could be Van Gogh ~METTE As we enter the darkness of the new moon cycle, the new moon before the upcoming eclipse cycle on the 18th, we step under the marriage trellis of Purva Phalguni. This moon governed by our planet of love Venus has a lot to impart in the sky, and on us, at the moment. Venus, the teacher to the material world, is in Virgo, a sign of debilitation, and is very close to Ketu (the past karmic axis). There is critical karma at work in all we do in relationships presently. Now, I have read countless articles about endings in relationships over the next month - but I would like to counter some of this drama and add my piece. I see it more like this is a liberating time in our relationships. Think about your past patterns in relating. Particularly analyse where you repeat similar mistakes, where you suffer, where you don't act in virtue (or allow others to) and now we enter a phase to heal and perfect this. Virgo after all is seeking perfection. Now you can understand why Venus isn't happy all the time in this sign due to the beautifully imperfect nature of love and relating - it's inherently messy - but for now we need to follow the sky and see the healing involved here. Sure there may be detachments needed if there is denial or an uncovering of illusion to truth, but it could also more likely be an ending to an old trauma or inner deception with a cathartic release. This is a very creative new moon seeking union and procreation in our lives. With this there is a balancing of energies and a commitment to it. At worst this could be a good new moon just to relax and rest at best a time to create an artistic masterpiece or express your love and feel all the romantic feels. The marriage of Shiva and Parvati under the celestial trellis begins under the month of this moon and favours union of all kinds. So even though there is some letting go and detachments upcoming (especially with the next full moon and new moon) it may not be as doom and gloom as being shouted about town. There is most certainly some karmic blasts coming (more on that to follow soon) but this new moon please enjoy yourself. Stay light, Mark :) #astrology #vedicastrology #newmoon #astrologersofinstagram #venus |
@astrologywithmarkFortnightly lunar forecasts from my instagram Archives
January 2025